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Friday, 19 April 2013

Justin Bieber Forced To Cancel Middle Eastern Show Because He's Just Too Pretty!?

justin bieber oman concert cancelled
We knew Justin Bieber was forced to cancel his concert in Muscat, Oman, but WHY were his Middle Eastern beliebers duped???!

As a highly traditional Islamic nation, Oman reportedly couldn't deal with Justin's baby-face good looks out of fear that the "moral health" of their women would be lost!
A source from Oman explained:
“Many people here were horrified by what they had heard about Bieber. People didn’t want him coming to Oman. He was called a reprobate and words were used like debauchery and Haraam, which in Islam means a sinful act that displeases God.”
Maybe this is a sign that i shouldnt go there..

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